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Navigating Life with Neuropathy

Living with neuropathy presents unique challenges, but it doesn't have to limit your quality of life. From managing symptoms, to making daily activities more manageable, today we will look at how to live a fulfilling life when you have neuropathy.

Regular Foot Care and Inspections

One of the most common symptoms of neuropathy is numbness, particularly in the feet. This numbness can make it difficult to detect minor injuries such as cuts, bruises or signs of infections. Since you can't feel these small issues, they can easily be overlooked, allowing them to get worse without you noticing. Over time, what may have started as a minor cut can end up being a severe infection or even an ulcer.

To prevent these minor issues from turning into major health concerns, it's important to inspect your feet daily. Take a few minutes each day to thoroughly check for any cuts, bruises, redness, swelling, or other signs of infection. You can use a mirror to see the bottoms of your feet, or ask a loved one for help if you have difficulty checking yourself. Early detection of minor problems allows for quick treatment, which can prevent complications. Regular foot inspections are a simple and effective way to manage some of the risks associated with neuropathy and maintain your quality of life.

Foot Care - Blog Post


To learn more about proper foot hygiene, check out my blog on 5 Tips for Healthy Feet!



Be Mindful of Social Isolation

Living with chronic pain is a very isolating experience. With physical limitations, loss of independence and general fatigue, it can be hard to maintain relationships with family and friends. 

Even if you are unable to enjoy the activities that you used to, it is still important to stay in contact with your loved ones. 

  • Have regular phone calls or video chats
  • Instead of longer visits, try shorter and more frequent visits in a comfortable setting
  • Keep communicating, help your loved ones understand what you are going through, and ask for help when you need it
  • Join a support group, online or in person, try talking with others living with neuropathy and share your experience in a safe environment

Prioritize Your Health

When you are living with neuropathy, it can be easy to put your health on the backburner. Living with pain, numbness, tingling and other impactful symptoms of neuropathy can leave you exhausted, and uncertain on how to move forward. 

  • Getting quality sleep can be a struggle but it is essential for giving your body a chance to heal your damaged nerves and give your body a chance to start the repair process. 
  • Anti-inflammatory nutrition will give your body the nutrients that it needs to keep you healthy, and active. 
  • Practicing stress management is another key to keeping your neuropathy symptoms in check. 


Living with neuropathy does present unique and difficult challenges, but with the right tools, you can lead a fulfilling, active life. Make smart and small adjustments to your lifestyle, and prioritize your emotional well-being. Each step you take towards managing your symptoms brings you closer to living a life of comfort and joy.


Ready to take the next step to lasting neuropathy relief?

Call my office today to speak with a Neuropathy Relief Expert. Learn how our proven program can help you get the lasting relief that you have been searching for.

Call 517-883-2291 to learn more about our Neuropathy Relief Program!