What is Neuropathy?
There are over 100 known causes of neuropathy, and over 20 million Americans suffering from neuropathy.
Schedule your consultation or contact us at (517) 883-2479
Karen May, DC, CCSP, CCIP
Hot flashes. Mood swings. Exhaustion. If menopause weren’t already enough to deal with on its own, did you know that this natural process can also trigger the onset of neuropathy?
Menopause has one big thing in common with neuropathy: It doesn’t get as much attention as it should, considering how significantly it affects a stage of life for half the world’s population.
Thankfully, the link between menopause and neuropathy is finally starting to gain more attention in the medical community -- but we have a long way to go. Women are still being told that this is just something they’ll need to deal with rather than working to get to the root cause.
Here’s what we do know. Hormone levels play a big role.
First, it’s important to remember that not all symptoms will be the same across the board. Just as all bodies are unique, symptoms can appear in various ways for different people.
Here are some of the most common symptoms to look for:
What you can do if you have neuropathy with menopause
If you’re suffering from neuropathy, you’re not alone, and relief is possible. Whether you choose to go it alone or work with the support of those who have been there, taking a holistic approach to healing can help reverse your neuropathy and get you back to feeling like the best version of yourself.My team at Momentum Health Neuropathy Center is here for you if you are suffering from Neuropathy.
While there is no cure or quick fix for neuropathy, our proven Neuropathy Relief Program has seen success time and time again at:
With hundreds of clients, and a 95%+ success rate, you can trust your health in our hands and finally get back to living life on your terms.
To connect with a relief expert today and see what relief options are available to you, give us a call today at 517-883-2291. We would love the chance to help you get the lasting relief that you deserve.
There are over 100 known causes of neuropathy, and over 20 million Americans suffering from neuropathy.
How to Perform a Self-Check for Diabetic Neuropathy Foot Care