How the right shoes and walkers can help improve your neuropathy
Neuropathy can have a profound effect on your life, particularly when it affects the feet. For...
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Karen May, DC, CCSP, CCIP
Neuropathy can have a profound effect on your life, particularly when it affects the feet. For...
Karen May, DC, CCSP, CCIP
Mention the word neuropathy and you’re bound to be inundated with a laundry list of physical...
Karen May, DC, CCSP, CCIP
Karen May, DC, CCSP, CCIP
Managing Sleep with Neuropathy If you’ve been living with neuropathy, you know how challenging the...
Neuropathy can have a profound effect on your life, particularly when it affects the feet. For individuals with neuropathy, something as simple as choosing the right footwear or using a walker can significantly impact their overall well-being and mobility. Let’s delve deeper into how shoes and walkers play a pivotal role in your neuropathy healing journey.
Mention the word neuropathy and you’re bound to be inundated with a laundry list of physical symptoms. There’s a large focus on the physical stress and pain that this condition causes, so it’s easy to put a singular focus on those things. However, when we only look at the physical symptoms of neuropathy, we overlook the impact that it has on our mental health. To this end, I’d like to share some insights and experiences I’ve gleaned throughout my healing journey about the toll that neuropathy can take on our psychological well-being and steps you can take to overcome these “invisible” symptoms.
If you’ve been living with neuropathy, you know how challenging the most simple things can be – especially sleep! What should be the most peaceful, winding-down part of your day can often feel like an insurmountable challenge. And when you’re lucky enough to fall asleep quickly, the pain associated with neuropathy can suddenly jolt you back to the waking world.
"I have made dramatic and drastic steps forward. It has given me hope that I didn't have before."
- Todd, MI
"There is hope for neuropathy relief."
- Rebecca, MI
"I would probably not be able to walk if I hadn't done this."
- Jay W, MI
Your consultation will help you discover:
Your journey to neuropathy relief starts here.
To speak with a relief expert from Momentum Health Neuropathy Center immediately, call 517-676-7112.