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How Perform a Self-Check for Diabetic Neuropathy Foot Care

How to Perform a Self-Check for Diabetic Neuropathy Foot Care

Burning pain. Numbness. Tingling sensations. Diabetic neuropathy can be a devastating companion for those living with diabetes. Today we are going to look at the importance of regular and thorough foot inspections, that you can perform on yourself. 

What is neuropathy?

Let’s start with the basics. 

  • Many of our clients think that since they don’t have diabetes, they can’t have neuropathy - but there are over 100 known causes of neuropathy. Diabetes being just one of the more well-known causes.
  • To learn more about neuropathy, check out some of my other blogs that further explore what neuropathy is and the impact it can have on your body. 
  • At a high-level, peripheral neuropathy is caused by damage to the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is what sends messages to and from the spinal cord and brain to the rest of the body. When the PNS is damaged, it causes pain and numbness in the hands and feet, among other symptoms. Sound familiar?

Understanding Diabetic Neuropathy

What causes Type 2 diabetes? 

There are 3 main causes of Type 2 diabetes: 

  • Your body is making too much insulin 
  • Your body is making too little insulin 
  • Your body isn’t responding to insulin how it should  

When the insulin in your body isn’t regulated as it should be, there is no place for the sugars in your blood to go - this causes a buildup of blood sugar in your body. 

How does diabetes cause Neuropathy? 

If you have over the normal amount of blood sugar, the excess blood sugar has to go somewhere. So where does this extra blood sugar go? 

It attacks your nerves. 

Performing a self-check for diabetic neuropathy foot care

One of the most common symptoms of neuropathy is numbness. Having numb feet can make it easy for minor issues to be overlooked - which can escalate into larger health issues over time. If you are having difficulty seeing your feet, grab a mirror or ask a loved one to help you look.

1. Totally examine your feet, daily

Examine the tops, sides, soles, and in between your toes. Look for any abnormalities, like cuts, bruises, blisters, redness, ingrown toenails, or calluses. 

2. Feel your feet, daily

Sometimes injuries can be hard to see, by feeling your feet you may feel new sensations not visible to your eyes. Feel for any sensitivity, lumps, bumps, or pain points. 

3. Maintain proper foot hygiene, daily
  • Wash your feet daily with mild soap and warm water.
  • Dry your feet thoroughly, especially between the toes.
  • Apply moisturizer to prevent dry skin.

Tips for healthy feet

More tips for maintaining healthy feet

By checking in and checking on your feet daily, you can address any issues sooner. Here are some more tips for maintaining healthy feet. 

  • Trim your toenails carefully or seek professional help for nail care.
  • Choose comfortable and well-fitting footwear.
  • Use appropriate walking aids, if necessary. 
  • Avoid walking barefoot to prevent injuries.
  • Make notes of any changes, and let your doctor know. 
  • Get regular exercise to keep the blood flowing. 
  • Seek professional help if you see bunions, ingrown toenails, calluses, or any abnormalities.

To learn more about maintaining healthy feet, check out this blog.

Get treatment for diabetic neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is a chronic condition that worsens over time. Without treatment, any symptoms you have will progressively get worse.

While there is no cure or quick fix for diabetic neuropathy, our proven Neuropathy Relief Program has seen success time and time again:

  • Reducing pain and numbness
  • Improving balance and mobility
  • Improving quality of life and overall health
  • Helping clients to regain their freedom and independence

To connect with a relief expert today and see what relief options are available to you, give us a call today at 517-883-2291 - or click the button below to learn more about our program.