3 Sleeping Supplements you have to try
3 Supplements for Sweet Dreams 😴 Just like a plant needs sunlight, water, air, and nutrients to...
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Karen May, DC, CCSP, CCIP
3 Supplements for Sweet Dreams 😴 Just like a plant needs sunlight, water, air, and nutrients to...
Karen May, DC, CCSP, CCIP
With fall just around the corner, it is time to brace ourselves for the dreaded fall allergies....
Just like a plant needs sunlight, water, air, and nutrients to grow… caring for your body requires taking into account your whole person. Often overlooked, sleep is an integral part of caring for yourself.
With fall just around the corner, it is time to brace ourselves for the dreaded fall allergies. Fall allergies are typically derived from Ragweed and Ragweed pollen. Did you know that Ragweed pollen can travel for hundreds of miles in the wind? So even if there is no Ragweed where you live, you can still be affected by this pesky pollen. Ragweed season can last anywhere from six - ten weeks, so it is best to be prepared early.
"I have made dramatic and drastic steps forward. It has given me hope that I didn't have before."
- Todd, MI
"There is hope for neuropathy relief."
- Rebecca, MI
"I would probably not be able to walk if I hadn't done this."
- Jay W, MI
Your consultation will help you discover:
Your journey to neuropathy relief starts here.
To speak with a relief expert from Momentum Health Neuropathy Center immediately, call 517-676-7112.