Reverse Neuropathy, Naturally
Consider a Gentle, Yet Mighty, Approach to Neuropathy Relief
Schedule your consultation or contact us at (517) 883-2479
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Karen May, DC, CCSP, CCIP
Consider a Gentle, Yet Mighty, Approach to Neuropathy Relief
Karen May, DC, CCSP, CCIP
You Have the Power to Get Relief From Neuropathy Peripheral Neuropathy Doesn't Have to Be...
Neuropathy is one of those frustrating afflictions many people will experience but few really understand. I get it. Even as a medical professional I didn’t fully understand it until it directly affected me.
That percentage increases with certain underlying conditions, diabetes being the number one known cause in the United States. The problem is, modern medicine loves to diagnose but often doesn’t offer much in the way of real treatment.
Whether your neuropathy comes from a known disorder or it appeared without explanation, the bottom line is that it’s inhibiting your ability to lead a happy and healthy life. That’s why I’ve made it my mission to treat neuropathy head-on, with research-based, results-driven techniques that have worked for myself and many others.
"I have made dramatic and drastic steps forward. It has given me hope that I didn't have before."
- Todd, MI
"There is hope for neuropathy relief."
- Rebecca, MI
"I would probably not be able to walk if I hadn't done this."
- Jay W, MI
Your consultation will help you discover:
Your journey to neuropathy relief starts here.
To speak with a relief expert from Momentum Health Neuropathy Center immediately, call 517-676-7112.