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Posts about Neuropathy Relief (4):

Why Is My Neuropathy Worse at Night?

Why Is My Neuropathy Worse at Night?

Neuropathy is the result of damage to the nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord. This damage causes painful symptoms like; numbness, burning, tingling, sharp pains, and so much more. It is important to know that neuropathy can occur anywhere in the body. 

While neuropathy affects people all day long, the symptoms can be intensified at night. This makes getting a good night's sleep a challenge for many neuropathy symptoms. Lack of quality sleep can, in turn, make neuropathy symptoms worse. Today, we are going to dive into what makes neuropathy symptoms worse at night. 

Circulation and blood flow are essential for both nerve health and overall health. When you are sleeping and in one position for an extended time, it can decrease the blood flow to extremities, like your feet and hands. This decreased blood flow can make your neuropathy symptoms much more intensified.  

Reduced Distractions
During the day, many of us are too engaged in the hustle and bustle of daily life to check in with our bodies. Without the usual daily distractions, it is easier to focus on the painful symptoms of neuropathy at night. 

Nerve Regeneration
Under ideal and healthy situations, the human body is capable of regenerating nerves at 1/2mm per day. At night, our body goes through the process of repair and regeneration. This process can add more painful symptoms as the nerves affected by neuropathy start to regrow and regenerate. 

Body Position
Maintaining certain positions for extended periods of time can increase pressure on your nerves. When you are standing, your body weight is more evenly distributed, but when you are in a lying position, portions of your weight can put pressure on different regions or nerves, causing more pain, numbness, and tingling. 

Temperature Sensitivity
Neuropathy can increase sensitivity to temperature changes. During the night, the body may cool down as part of the natural sleep cycle. For some people with neuropathy, changes in temperature can worsen symptoms. Cold temperatures are known to contribute to increased discomfort, making sleep more challenging and painful.

Sleeping with Neuropathy

If managing sleep is a challenge for you, I urge you to check out one or two of the below resources that I developed for neuropathy sufferers:

Neuropathy and Foot Care: 5 Tips for Healthy Feet

Neuropathy and Foot Care: 5 Tips for Healthy Feet

Neuropathy is the result of damage to nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord. This damage causes painful symptoms like; numbness, burning, tingling, sharp pains, and so much more. While neuropathy can occur anywhere in the body, today I am focusing on how to maintain healthy feet while living with neuropathy. 

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"I have made dramatic and drastic steps forward. It has given me hope that I didn't have before."

- Todd, MI

"There is hope for neuropathy relief."

- Rebecca, MI

"I would probably not be able to walk if I hadn't done this."

- Jay W, MI

Take control of your neuropathy, get back to being mobile, and enjoy life again.

Your consultation will help you discover:

  • What is really causing your neuropathy
  • How to stop nerve damage before it's irreversible
  • How following our simple program can get you results

Your journey to neuropathy relief starts here.

To speak with a relief expert from Momentum Health Neuropathy Center immediately, call 517-676-7112.